Thursday, May 5, 2011


As requested by the B4 class, the blog is now open to all viewers... which means anyone on the big wide web.  So don't comment if you aren't okay with having your comments seen... which also means you can how sign up to have posts emailed to yourself.

For those of you who are or have been absent: Don't forget that work is still due as long as you are on campus that day, even if you are taking an AP test.  You need to come by the room to get the work from the older on the orange book shelf by the door.

For those of you who are stressing out:  It is okay to make tough choices.  I will not take it personally if you decided that studying for your AP test is more important than your English homework... yes, you will still get a zero on your homework, but sometimes you really can't do everything and you need to make difficult, but informed and intelligent decisions about how to use your time.

See you tomorrow.

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