Wednesday, May 18, 2011

cummings the artist

How do the style or content of these paintings reflect the style and content of his poems?


  1. I feel like the most apparent parallel between cummings' paintings and his poetry is his willingness to step outside the standards of both forms of art. His poetry often ignores any "rules" regarding line structure and format, which really gives his own sort of style to his work. Similarly his paintings seem to lean towards a more abstract style, which inherently ignores conventions. This similar disregard of standards in both artforms helps to give cummings his own unique style as a painter/poet.

  2. One similarity between Cumming's painting and poetry is the use of blunt colors versus blunt words. In his poetry, Cummings uses short, direct language to create a complex idea. His poetry is not over worked but well thoughtout. Similarly, his paintings show a comlpex simplicity of color and by using abrstract shapes the veiw, like the reader, is able to create an entire sinario in his/her head.

  3. I agree with what's been said about how his art and poetry are similarly avant-garde and abstract. He is more about description of things than depicting what they actually look like. I think he uses color in his art similarly to how he uses punctuation in his poetry...they aren't used conventionally, but instead used to evoke a more emotional experience for the viewer/reader.

  4. One of the similarities I see is in the use of structure, but not what is thought of as "normal" structure. These paintings have very distinct shapes and lines in them, such as the one with the ovals, but they're still abstract because the shapes and lines aren't always representing something obvious. It's kind of the same thing with his poetry. He uses very specific punctuation and capitalization and diction that is very distinct and definitely present, but doesn't always have a very clear meaning. He creates structure that requires deeper delving to understand.
