Friday, June 3, 2011

Anyone Lived ina Pretty How Town

There is a good article about anyone lived in a pretty how town.  The first part of the article is about l(a, but the rest is on this one.  If you want to comment on the article, choose a quotation from the text and share your thoughts on it.  This is NOT on the final, but may help increase your overall understanding of cummings and his work.

Also, George Lucas (yes, the Star Wars director, not some other person with the same name) made a film version of this poem in 1967.  I think it was a project when he was in college.  You can see a clip here.



  1. Those YouTube videos are really great. Did ee cummings mean to have that poem turned into music? Didn't he believe that poetry was for reading not hearing?

  2. "In what way are these two people, Anyone and Noone, to be distinguished from mostpeople? Or are they to be distinguished at all? Are they, perhaps, in fact representative of "someones" and "everyones"?"
    When I read "anyone lived in a pretty how town" this is exactly how I thought of the characters. In my mind they were not specific people, rather symbols for the lives of everyone. They could not be "distinguished" because they lived the same life everyone else did. The town they live in is not an obscure one, it is the same as the world we live in. As the characters grow up they lose sight of love and happiness, falling into the monotony of their everyday life.
