Friday, April 1, 2011


A concordance is a source that lists all the references to a specific word within a text.. and thanks to the internet, we now have hyper concordances.  So, if you're reading along and you get the feeling that something might be important, and wonder when else it's referenced in the book, but don't want to reread the book, you use a concordance.

To use the one linked here, go to Authors and scroll down until you get to American Authors, then select Fitzgerald, Scott (you might want to notice all the other authors listed here-- super useful for future studies or for those of you who might want to compare an aspect of Gatsby to an aspect of another text).  Select the title.  Type in the word under "query"...enter.

Did you know he used the word "phone" 6 times? "red" six?  "money" six?  This is a great tool for looking for patterns.

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