Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do you get locked out of the blog?

A number of people are telling me that they can't access the blog.  Here are the most common problems and solutions:
1) Problem: You forgot what email address you used or your password.  Solution:  Write it in your planner.
2) Problem: You click on the invitation in your email to access the blog, but have never become a follower.  Your invitation expires, and then you can't access the blog.  Solution:  Click on the button that says "follow" on the right hand side.  Follow the directions.
3)  Problem:  You've tried the solutions above and still can't make it work.  Solution: In the short term, you can have a friend email you a post by clicking on the little envelope under the post.  In the long term, send me an email and ask me to re-invite you.  Then, make sure you follow the directions for problems #1 and 2, so it doesn't happen again :)

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