Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Things for true Twain fans

Would you like a Mark Twain screen saver
To watch Ken Burns movie about Mark Twain (in 24 parts, but still good)? 
Play a Mark Twain trivia game?
Visit the Huck Finn web page?


  1. I played the trivia game, it was really funny. I didn't know that Mark Twain was born prematurely, or that his birth and death were both on the Halley's comet nights. He is kind of a strange man if you ask me, but he seemed pretty funny, and he is an awesome writer! For as little as I know about him, I actually guessed 6 right out of the 8 questions.

  2. Michelle, you have been rewarded for being an English nerd and voluntarily engaging in extra activities about Twain. (Check gradebook on IC to see find your reward)
