Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Homework due Friday

Because of the PSAT, I suspect I won't see all of you tomorrow.  On Friday, you should come to class having finished reading Scarlet Letter, ready to turn in your setting work, and with a new SSR book.  This six weeks, I'm asking you to read a piece of historical fiction.  (As a basic, but not totally inflexible guideline, let's aim for a plot that takes place at least 75 years ago).  The same length requirements as last ime apply (250 pg minimum, one complete work historical fiction).  And I don't think I need to say it, but Johnny Tremain, while great, is not at an appropriate reading level...

Why historical fiction?  Well, because The Scarlet Letter is historical fiction.  And our next book is too...

There's a ton of great historical fiction out there.  Some are even on the list we chose from last time.  Here are a few suggestions off the top of my head.  Please feel free to add others in the comments.

All Quiet on the Western Front (German soldier during WWI)
Pope Joan
Watermark (albino paper maker)
Year of Wonders (about plague and self sacrifice)
The Other Bolyn Girl  (English royalty..  beware though, there's lots of sex)
Katherine (in case you want more puritan stuff)
A Tale of Two Cities (french revolution- Dickens)
The Pillars of the Earth (ask Julia about it)
Girl With the Pearl Earring
The Vanishing Point
Gone With the Wind
Color of Purple
The Master of Verona

Hmm... I'm noticing that most of these are European.  If anyone comes across some good ones set in other continents, I'd love to know about them... there must be a great novel out there about the Mayans?  The Inca?  Africa?  Asia?  Also, most of these have female protagonists.  Any great historical fiction with males protagonists?  Please add to the suggestions if you know any.


  1. Do we need to have our book and setting work done for tomorrow or friday?

  2. In the interests of being fair, since I don't think I'll see the B2 period today, I won't collect the setting work from anyone until Friday. That said, I wouldn't leave everything until Thursday night.

  3. would Carry on Mr. Bowditch be appropriate?

  4. very good book, but I'd like for us to attempt something at a more challenging reading level. If maritime history interests you, there are some there excellent books out there... mutiny on the bounty?

  5. You have The Other Boleyn Girl and I would like to say that just about any work by the author, Phillipa Gregory are all fantastic books, though there are quite a bit of brother and sister lovers...

  6. Oh a great book about Asian culture is "Women of the Silk" if anyone is interested in that, I know that when I read it I loved it! Super good, interesting plot, and I am a huge fan of the Asian culture too!

  7. so this is the only hw, to pick a book? And of course the worksheet from last class... right?

  8. I'm half way through my historical fiction-- I highly recommend "March" if you're still looking for a book. It's the counterpart to Little Women-- the story of what happens to the father while away during the Civil War. I'm having trouble putting it down.

  9. The Book, Color of Purple
    Do you mean The Color Purple? I'm not sure.

  10. Oops. Karen, you were right. The Color Purple.
