Monday, July 5, 2010

Fun Trivia About Writing East of Eden

Steinbeck on Steinbeck: Writing Trivia
Steinbeck kept track of things while writing East of Eden, and by his account, the novel took:
  • 11 years of mental gestation
  • One year of uninterrupted writing
  • 25 dozen pencils
  • Approximately three dozen reams of paper
  • 350,000 words (before cutting)
  • About 75,000 words in his work-in-progress journal
  • And a rock-hard callus on the middle finger of the his right hand.


  1. What does "One year of uninterrupted writing" mean, exactly?
    I'm starting to get that callus, 3 days into the school year.....
    There were some letters (to his editor) at the Steinbeck Museum. I know that I shouldn't talk, but i could not read anything he had written.
    (guessing this doesn't count as one of my comments, so I'll keep looking)

  2. I hope it was just hyperbole (exaggeration for effect)! And sure, that counts.

  3. I honestly think I would go crazy if I tried to write for an entire year straight. Having said that, I find it very impressive that Steinbeck could finish such a long, and well written novel in only one year. I also find it incredible that he wrote the majority of the story (if not the entire thing) by hand!
