Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

What exactly am I supose dto do for Tuesday the 7th?

Good question... in class I mentioned that you didn't need to finish the satire work becuase the mini-essay was plenty of work.  But then later, I realized that I'd already guessed that we'd need extra time for satire (gee, guess there's a reason people say you should write things down), so I'd already pushed the next reading/ mini-essay back to the 9th.  So what does this mean for you?  Essentially, that you have no homework due tomorrow.  I know you're disappointed, but you can always use the time to get ahead :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

VERY Useful Site

As you're writing your mini-essays, are you finding yourself wondering exactly where in the book the hair ball was mentioned?  Or maybe you're thinking about our conversations about race and want to look for a pattern in how certain words such as black, white, or n--- are used?  Check out this site where you can type in specific words or phrases and the computer will search the whole book and tell you where they show up.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Still want to know more about Twain?

Check out this interactive scrap book.  What new information did you learn and how does it inform your understanding of Huck Finn's adventure?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Times Magazine on Mark Twain

Time Magazine compares Twain to some contemporary stars

Read the article above and weigh in... which points do you agree with?  Which don't you?  Why?

Vocab for B4

fertile, productive (adj)
total before deductions (n)
to manage thriftily (v)
very poor, without money (adj)